New Vision Farms has
extensive experience, knowledge, and leadership across generations in its multifamily team.
New Vision Farms strives to create value for all stakeholders and community, acting in accordance with our core values – honoring relationships, building and maintaining trust, humility and service – in our continuous commitment to excellence and honesty.
New Vision Farms’ vision is to continually be robustly positioned for long-term, sustainable success in agriculture.
New Vision Farms and our staff cherish our responsibility as stewards of our stakeholders’ land and assets. As such, we strive to not only preserve, but improve, the well-being of stakeholders today, without impairing the well-being of stakeholders tomorrow. We continually integrate cutting-edge, sustainable technologies into our everyday operation and are always on the lookout for new strategies and methodology to benefit our stakeholders and the environment.
Current sustainable methods:
Systematic tiling, waterways and filter strips control runoff and promote water quality
Precision application and injection of fertilizer via strip-till and variable rate technology to safeguard water quality and ensure proper nutrient placement
Widespread conservation tillage to reduce soil erosion and nutrient loss while enhancing organic matter
Increasing use of cover crops to improve water, soil, and air quality